Our very own April Price, inside sales lead, was recognized in Clemco’s June 2019 eNewsletter. Her graduation from Clemco University in the Spring of 2017 has given her the tools and knowledge to become exceptional in her role. Read below to see her interview.
What did you learn at Clemco U?—Oh, wow! I learned everything from blast cabinets to safety gear. A lot of hands on learning, from valves and helmets, to working with the cabinets in the lab. We even got to blast inside a blast room. It was raining all that week. Usually the students blast outside. So the instructors set up a blast room in the Clemco plant for us to use. That ended up being super useful for me this year. The instructors spilled so much knowledge around what our customers ask us for each and every day.
What has been your most successful Clemco product sale?—A blast room, of course. A custom-engineered blast room, 46 x 24 x 16 feet, will be delivered to my customer this July. They’ll be blasting steel beams and rails for material-handling conveyer systems. I’m stoked! My experience at Clemco U really helped.
Any advice for someone attending Clemco U?—Definitely the training to attend if you want your sales to grow. Everything was organized and well-planned. Not to mention fun! I’ve been to other sales trainings—but none were like Clemco.